This is a series of posts that will log some of my thoughts in the month leading up to my moving back to New Zealand.

Road near where I work at The Outdoor Academy
This week I’m finishing up my life here as the Outdoor Education Manager at The Outdoor Academy. As I go about my day I periodically remember that very soon we are moving back to New Zealand. Nine times out of ten this brings a smile to my face. The other time it terrifies me.
We are doing something that so many others can only dream about. I harbor some guilt about this. I wonder why are we so fortunate? And then I think about choices. Mary made a great career choice. We chose not to have children. Those two decisions have allowed us to do things that would have been much more difficult otherwise.
Our choices have consequences. But these consequences usually don’t reveal themselves until after the choice has been made. Going back to New Zealand will have unforeseen consequences, some of them with positive effects. Others will be challenges we’ll hopefully be able to overcome and learn from.
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